Thursday 24 April 2014

Evaluation (6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?)

I already had knowledge on how to use photoshop but i developed my knowledge a lot further during the development of my magazine. Other things that i learnt such as InDesign and Voki etc. I had no prior knowledge of what they were or how to use them. I learnt how to place on image over the top of another and merge them as one which helped me out with my magazine.

Using blogger was simple as I am fairly good on the computer and it is not a complex website to navigate, i believe that blogger is a very effective way of producing and storing coursework as it means that everything is well monitored and tracked to make sure everything is in order etc.

I did find it difficult with some of the new technologies used for example i had some difficulty when i first began learning how to use InDesign when we begun making plans. I eventually picked up enough skills to complete my magazine however i would like to continue to learn on InDesign to help me in my future studies where i may need to use it.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Evaluation (5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I created a questionnaire during the research and planning stage of my music magazine creation and this enabled me to manipulate my magazine in order to attract the audience that i think are most likely to read it. I am a person who is interested in this and therefore I am a part of the target audience and without being bias if i was to see this magazine it would instantly scream out House music by the big bolt colourful masthead along with the colour scheme, the electric style background which gives off the scene of being in the party scene and the flashing lights that my target audience would be very familiar with.

Friday 18 April 2014

Evaluation (4. Who would be the audience for your media product?)

I have used this voki as a way of presenting what the target audience would mainly be for this genre of music magazine, i am not however saying that because you are a female who is not under 35 you cannot listen to this type of music or infact buy my magazine. I am simply implying that when gathering statistics from my questionnaire and basing my opinion off knowledge as well as that, the main type of person who listens to this genre of music is teenage males.

Because i know this information i have used certain things in my magazine that i know will appeal to this type of person. I have made the front cover explosively colourful and dangerous looking with the two men on the front cover looking up at you as if to draw you in to buying the magazine.

On the contents page I haven't used too much colour on the page other than the image, the image is what will draw the customer in as it is full of many many different colours and it is a festival scene which most people can relate to and even if they cant relate to the actual festival scene, at some point they will have undergone a party scene much like it and this is what i intend to play off.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Evaluation (2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?)

As you can see from my magazine cover (right), i have used a colour scheme that is most associated with this type of music as i have made a plently of colours making it stand out. The reason i have done this is so that its does stand out to people when they see it on the shelves and it makes them more likely to buy it, i have kept is dark background with colourful colours on top to ensure that my house style fits in with the genre of music that I have created my music magazine on (house). The group usually associated with this genre of music are the partying type of people so late teens travelling up to mid thirties and possibly even older than that, the fact that i have used a style helps to appeal to those people as they will feel that they can relate and that makes them more likely to read my magazine.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Equipment used

During the planning and research stage of the making of the magazine, I used: • iPhone camera • Digital camera These were to take the pictures that I was to use on my cover, contents page and double page spread.

Thursday 3 April 2014


Today I have also completed most of my contents page, however I still need to address some minor issues with this page.


Today I edited my Front cover by changing the text to a constant text that will appear throughout the magazine.

Monday 31 March 2014


Today I put together one of the images that I am going to put on my contents page. 


This is the beginning of my contents page for my music magazine.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Production log

This is a production log for the pictures that I have used on my magazine, showing how and what I used to get them.

Analysis of First magazine cover

Positives :
- Bold title that stands out, this will strengthen my music magazine as a brand as people will see this title and know that it belongs to my magazine.
- Barcode in corner looks professional, making the magazine look more official.

Negatives :
- Looks very unprofessional.
- No real set colour scheme.
- Poor choice of picture for this genre of music as you cannot tell that he is a DJ.

Saturday 8 February 2014

mixmag cover

This is the magazine cover that I would like mine to look similar, this is a very good music magazine cover in my genre of music as the different colours signify the crazy theme that comes with this type of music.

Obviously I will not be copying this magazine however i will pull certain ideas from this cover along with some from another and come up with some of my own which should hopefully bring together a really nice looking cover for my magazine.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Analysing Photos

This picture fits in well with my genre of music as it shows the type of look that somebody who enjoys this genre of music is stereotypically seen in. However with it being a good fit to my genre of music that is as far as it goes, it is a very bad quality of picture as you cannot see the boys face, and the green screen is still green so it has not been made to look like there is a DJ and crowd around him, you can clearly tell that it is just him alone in this image.

A good picture for my genre will need a similar dress code to the one seen in this image here, however i will need to change the number of people to make it look more realistic and I will also need to change the background on the green screen as just a green screen is not as professional looking as a crown full of people and a DJ as well.

Monday 13 January 2014

First picture for mock up (analysed)

This picture does not represent my genre of magazine very well as this is a quirky, different picture which would be generalised to a music magazine centred around the genre of indie/alternative. A picture for a magazine of my genre choice is more likely to be something in a more electro kind of way, something with flashing lights and what looks to be chaos in the back ground whilst this image is extremely plain and doesn't really offer much in the way of viewing pleasure for a viewer. A picture for a music magazine has to fit in with the genre otherwise it is just a pointless picture getting in the way, for a picture to fit in with the genre you must consider the background, the colour scheme and the look of the person who is being pictured.

Friday 10 January 2014

Contents page Analysis

This is a contents page from an edition of the 'mixmag' music magazine, mixmag is a magazine focusing on the electro house music genre. The picture on this contents age fits in with the general stereotypes of this genre of music as it is a party scene, this type of music generally goes hand in hand with partying and dancing etc. However the picture is filled with mainly filled girls where as the majority of the artists in this genre of music are Male. However the text used on this contents page, other than the actual masthead 'contents,' is not fitting with the genre as it is fairly boring and bland where as you would associate a very quirky and fun looking text as the music is certainly not boring and bland and therefore neither should the text be. In the bottom left there is an offer/free gift that you tend to get no matter what the magazine is about, mixmag are especially known for having gifts attached to editions of their magazine.

A lot of the contents pages in mixmag are double page however it is not spread across a double page spread, it is on a single page and then the next single page following

Double Page Analysis

The target audience of this magazine (mixmag) is people around the age 16-30, this is mainly because it is a type of party music along with dance. As you can see from the magazine above the people in the magazine are not always in that age bracket which broadens the age range more however the main ages to read this magazine will be between 16-30. As this is the Q+A section of the magazine the colours used are very plain which is not fitting with the genre of music which is expected to be very upbeat and colourful with lights etc. This picture along with the title suggests that the act seen here may be changing what they do as they are not dressed in the stereotypical clothing of house/dance music and they are in an unnatural surrounding for this genre.

There is only one picture on the first page and a lot of text which gives us the impression that it must be informative rather than the fun that we may expect to see from a Q+A in this magazine.