Friday, 18 October 2013

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop

In our most recent media lesson we worked on our photoshop skills. To begin with we added a picture of our sixth form building, rasterised the image which allowed us to edit the picture. We then made any changes that we needed to make such as removing the sky or the ground etc using the magic wand tool. After that we added the text to the picture selected a size and colour and set that. We then added two edits to the text to make it look 3D, we added a shadow effect to make it look this way.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

College Magazine analysis

This school newsletter gives us the impression that it is a relaxed, i can tell this because of the picture that is slightly off straight and an image of grafitti which gives off a more informal approach however there are also formal parts of the newsletter such as a comment from the headteacher and a basic font where as if it was completely informal the font would be a bit more out there.

In the top left corner the Cardinal Heenan Crest is there to show that the school is traditional as other schools may leave it off to look more modern.


What is ideology?

Ideology is a world view which people in society see as true or important and the rest of that culture or society will function in that way.

In Layman's terms the ideology of something is how it is seen or portrayed by us as the viewer or reader in the case of a music magazine.

Image 1:

In this image we can see that our school is being portrayed as negative as everything is dark and looks miserable.

Image 2

Monday, 7 October 2013

Feminism in a Music Magazine

Web Definition:

Feminism - is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing and defending equal political, economic and social rights for women.

Lady Gaga is one of the most openly famous feminist.

The Male Gaze

The male gaze is a theory created by Laura Mulvey in 1975, as her belief was that film audiences have to view characters from a male heterosexual perspective. Feminists see people in three ways:
  • How men look at women
  • How women look at themselves
  • How women look at other women
Some believe that the male gaze is used in everyday life as sexualising the female body even when sexiness of the female has nothing to do with the advert or product at all, for example the most recent coca cola advert whereby the woman is made to look extremely sexy for no apparent reason other than to attract male attention.

Others criticise this theory because its not just the male gaze as a lot of women look at other women and are jealous or envious, as well as this some women like being looked at as they even enter beauty pageants to get looked at.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Semiotic Theory

What is semiotic theory?

The web definition of Semiotic theory is "in linguistics, semiotics, also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols." 

Morris believed that human actions all have signs and meanings and they come in three ways:

  • The Perception stage - The person becomes aware of the sign
  • The Manipulation stage - The person interprets the sign and decides how to respond to it
  • The Consummation stage - The person responds

Denotation is the literal meaning of something, in semiotics it means the literal meaning of the signifier.


Connotation is the deeper meaning of something for example red connotes anger.